Monday, January 12, 2015

Day 1 in the Books

Today I introduced 20 time to my students, as planned.  After reading some of the top hits on Google, many of which were those that inspired me, they seemed to understand what it was and the benefits of it.  I had them share what they found on TodaysMeet for us all to see. Once I gave them the "rules," that's when the questions start to come out.  "You mean we can do anything?" To which I replied, "Well, yeah."  I don't know which of us was more surprised by that.

I thought the funniest part was when I asked them to come up with "bad ideas," which I hoped would help them pivot and see how a bad idea isn't necessarily always a bad idea.  One class sat there kind of frozen.  Being able to do anything was paralyzing them from coming up with even bad ideas.  I had them post their comments on padlet. Below are their posts.

One class I wrote a bad idea: "Does urine kill grass?"

Thankfully a student states, "that's not such a bad idea," which allowed me to explain how brainstorming bad ideas can help us clarify our question and purpose and potentially help us come up with a better idea.  Of course this also served as a lesson on my influence on their ideas.  The next few ideas were related to urine or feces.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow after they'll have had a night to process all of this.  I'm hoping I can spark some ideas, and get the ball rolling.

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