Friday, April 19, 2019

Respondus Lockdown Browser, and Canvas Quizzes

This week I co-taught a session on the new Respondus Lockdown Browser our district has adopted, with Julie Grenier.  This will allow our students to take quizzes without being able to "research" the answers online while taking the quiz.

We offered multiple mini-PD sessions: Lunch and after school, at both sites, and in each case, teachers could also join as a Google Hangout.  In total we served 21 teachers, which I think is pretty good.  Many felt comfortable enough to try Respondus purely based on the how-to guide Julie had already created, and didn't feel they needed to come.  Others expressed a desire to have a screencast video on how to do it.

This is the model of professional development that I'm advocated for, and I think we're moving towards: Differentiated, focused, and personalized in both modality and time.

In our sessions, many teachers weren't necessarily using Canvas Quizzes that much, and were asking really good questions like:

When should I use Canvas Quizzes? 

When is better than a paper quiz? 

Personally, I think Canvas quizzes should be used frequently, but have absolutely no impact on a student's grade, and give them opportunity to take it as often as they want. I wrote an entire post on these thoughts in my Performance, Feedback, Revision blog post last December, which I was actually quite surprised to find that Teacher 2 Teacher stumbled upon in the last month or two, and began sharing out on Twitter. I've received a lot great feedback from it.

Anyway, the conversations got me thinking how I should support teachers more on all things Canvas Quizzes.  I went ahead and created the Respondus Screencast, but then created 3 more on how to create a quiz, how to add questions, and how to analyze the results.  I whipped them all up into a simple infographic.  Now we have a handy dandy how-to guide on creating Canvas quizzes, along with a link to my blog post.

Here's the email I sent to our staff today, along with the infographic below:

Dear Staff,
Thank you to the many teachers who came to our mini-PD session on the new Respondus Lockdown Browser this week.  Several of you also joined via Google Hangouts, which was a great way to join without having to leave where you were.

In an effort to offer multiple opportunities to receive this PD, and fitting with the various needs of our staff, I have recorded a screencast of how to do it. This is the same exact session Julie and I did in person.

Many have expressed interest in using Canvas Quizzes more, so I created a How-To Guide for Canvas Quizzes. Check out this link, or open the attached pdf.  

Even if you have no interest in using this now but might in the future, it's probably worth saving this email.  It will also be accessible, along with many other resources, on the district IT website and District Resources page of Canvas, into perpetuity.

If you have any questions, would like 1:1 training on this, or are trying this for the first time, don't hesitate to reach out.

Wishing you a restful weekend,


I've also added all of the videos to my Wakelet Collection:

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