Thursday, April 4, 2019

Improv Games as SEL Connection Building Activities

SHS Drama Class contributing to #1CoolThing!  Ms. Thermond with her new sticker.

#1CoolThing is about seeking out new ideas in hopes of having an "A-Ha" moment that could influence what we do in a positive way.  The more everyone shares, the more likely we are to have these epiphanies.  I call these 1CoolThing moments now.

I had a 1CoolThing moment a while back when talking to some colleagues about Social Emotional Learning, specifically connection building activities teachers could do with students that would build greater community in the classroom.  Saratoga High School Administrator, Kerry Mohnike, then says:

"You know I used to teach drama, and all these connection activities are really just improv games.  There's a million of them, but kids always just want to play the same 5 or so."

BAM! That was the moment.  I realized then that I could recruit our drama class at SHS to teach their favorite improv games.  I could come in and film them teaching how to do the improv game and then demonstrate what it looks like.  I'd upload the video to YouTube, and brand them as "Connection Activities."  Teachers could watch these short clips, and then implement them in their class.

All of these connection activities could be great for the start of the year when they're building community, or throughout the year such as settling a rowdy class after lunch, creating new student groups, or maybe just a transition between two activities during a long block.

I reached out to SHS Drama Teacher Sarah Thermond and explained the idea I had, and if she would be open to it. She loved the idea and brought it up with their class. They were on board, and came up with a good list, and then we made a plan.

Yesterday I went into their class and filmed them.  They did such a great job, and it was fun to watch them in action.  Below are the videos that can now be found on 1CoolThing YouTube Channel:
I used a SWIVL and iPad to record the videos and then upload to YouTube

Who's the Leader?

What are you Doing?

Oh Crap!

Opossum in a Tree

Silent Grouping

Magic 10

Alphabet Game:

Ensemble Squash

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